Alcorn’s Dr. Akash Dania of the School of Business chairs the accreditation site review team to Millikin University

Alcorn State University’s family is building upon its reputation for assisting those who are in need.

Dr. Akash Dania, associate professor of finance and director of graduate programs at Alcorn, recently served as the chair of the external site-visit team to review the Tabor School of Business at Milikin University in Decatur, Ill.

Dania participated in Tabor’s School of Business, Milikin University’s Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) on site reaccreditation review. Dr. Dania, along with other site-visit team members, reviewed business academic programs, conducted interviews with key stakeholders and made recommendations to the ACBSP Board of Commissioners on the school’s academic preparation. Tabor’s School of Business is currently accredited by ACBSP and offers undergraduate and graduate business degrees.

Dania was pleased with the opportunity to use his knowledge and analytical skills to help Tabor’s School of Business.

“It was an honor to chair this site team and to serve ACBSP and its mission to promote continuous improvement and recognize excellence in the accreditation of business education programs around the world,” said Dania.

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