June’s Alcorn State Student Health 101
Alcorn State faculty, staff and students –
As a provision to the Alcorn State community, we are providing an online subscription to the Student Health 101 for our students and their families. Student Health 101 is a monthly health and wellness magazine that contains valuable information to aid students in making better decisions as well as gaining a better understanding of certain health and wellness challenges that face today’s students.
Each month, you will receive an email containing the latest issue of the family-only issues of The Student Advocate and Student Health 101 that our students will receive as well. Please take a few minutes to read the issues each month, as we believe they can be a valuable resource to you.
The June issue of The Student Advocate can be found online at https://readsh101.com/0616/alcorn.html
You’re, also, invited to read the accompanying Student Health 101 issue for our students, which can be found online at https://readsh101.com/alcorn.html .
The June issue has great articles including:
- Your Top 4 Portable Protein Packs
- Microtravel: How to Get Away Without Going Away
- How to Have an Actively Awesome Summer
- Preventing Sexual Assault in LGBTQ Student Communities
- Tuning In to How You Learn
- And so much more
And if you missed it – be sure to check out the May issue that features articles such as “When is Marijuana Use a Problem?” “Weight vs Wellness,” “Sext Request? Six Smart Ways to Respond,” and much more at: https://readsh101.com/go2alcorn.html.
We would like to thank you for taking the time to read Student Health 101!
Dr. Martha Ravola
Assistant Vice President for Academic Program Support & Graduate Studies
Project Director-ASU-SPARK
Academic Affairs