Latest News Releases From USDA Rural Development
USDA RD Announces Funding to Community Development Organization
- Last week, the Department of Agriculture announced funding for a new Community Facilities Relending Program, which allows USDA Rural Development to make loans to community development organizations who can then loan money to local entities trying to build or renovate community facilities.
USDA RD Virginia Site Visit
- USDA RD staff took a trip to Northern Neck, VA last week to visit three USDA RD (@usdaRD) sponsored developments including the Westmoreland Judicial Center in Montross, VA. The facility was built with a $7.5 million investment from Rural Development through the community facilities loan. The Judicial Center includes court rooms, holding cells, and thousands of county records dating from 1653 including the land records of George Washington.
Fighting the Opioid Epidemic in Appalachia through Telemedicine
- Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced five Distance Learning and Telemedicine grant awards last week worth almost $1.4 million to help rural areas address the opioid epidemic.
USDA RD Announces 13 Energy Grants
- On Thursday, USDA RD announced 13 Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Grants to businesses in Maine to help lower energy costs and implement renewable energy systems.