Stephanie Oghbowan named Miss Black and Gold 2017
On Wednesday, Nov. 29, the Delta Kappa Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., held their annual Miss Black and Gold Pageant in the Ballroom of the Student Union Building.
The Miss Black and Gold pageant is held in search of a distinguished young lady with desirable characteristics from Alcorn State University to represent the Delta Kappa Chapter. There were two contestants, Stephanie Oghbowan and Taylor Ackeromie vying for two titles that were awarded at the end of the pageant, which were Miss Delta Kappa and Miss Black and Gold.
The pageant consisted of four scenes: Swimwear, Eveningwear, interview and a talent portion. All four scenes were intense and competitive. Javon Yarbrough, a Spring 2017 initiate into the Delta Kappa Chapter stated, “It was such an honor to have these two young ladies to participate in this years pageant. They have both worked so hard to gain their respected titles.”
The hosts for the pageant were Patrick Herbert Jr., who was a 2016 initiate of the Delta Kappa Chapter, and Erika Wheeler, 2016-17 Miss Black and Gold. The judges, who consisted of faculty and students from Alcorn, were Dara Robinson, Miss Black and Gold 2015-16, Oliver Stevens and Milton Harvey.
After careful deliberation by the judges, Stephanie Oghbowan of Houston, Texas was named Miss Black and Goal 2017 while Taylor Ackeromie of Baton Rouge, Louisiana was named Miss Delta Kappa 2017. The Delta Kappa Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha looks forward to working with these two distinguished young ladies.
Oghbowan stated, “It’s such an honor to have been blessed with this title. I’m not only doing this for me, but for others that look like me. My goal is to use this platform and allow girls to know that you too can strive and gain whatever you put your mind to. I look forward to serving this next year as Miss Black and Gold.”