Mortar Board Senior Honor Society now accepting nominations for the Alcorn State University Sphinx Chapter

Mortar Board Senior Honor Society now accepting nominations for the Alcorn State University Sphinx Chapter

Mortar Board is the premier honor society recognizing college seniors for superior achievement in scholarship, leadership, and service. The selected students invited to join this esteemed society are among the most amazing college scholar-leaders in the U.S.


Candidates for Mortar Board membership in the Alcorn State University chapter must meet the following requirements:

· Attain Junior standing (completion of at least 90 units) as of January 4, 2013
· Have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above
· Show a demonstrated and exemplary record of scholarship, leadership and service
· Indicate a willingness to commit to active participation in Alcorn State University Mortar Board activities while at the University

For additional information, please call Drs. Thomas C. Sturgis or Gwendolyn Dooley at 601.877.6257 or 601.877.6139.