Alcorn to Issue Prorated Refunds for Housing, Meals, and Parking for Spring 2020 Semester
Friday, April 10, 2020
Dear Alcorn State University Students,
With the transition to virtual and remote learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many students were faced with an inability to return to campus for the remainder of the spring semester. As you know, we have received a number of questions about refunds for certain fees paid to the university for the remainder of the 2019-2020 academic year. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we worked with our sister institutions, system, and state leaders to respond with clarity and equity to this unprecedented challenge. Throughout this process, our priority has been to make sure everyone affected is safe and made as whole as possible.
I am pleased to report that in support of our students and in alignment with guidance recently received from IHL, Alcorn State University will issue prorated refunds and credits to eligible students for housing, meals and parking charges for the Spring 2020 Semester. Below is general information on how the University intends to implement refunds and credits. All transactions (housing, meals and parking refunds/credits) will be processed no later than May 29, 2020. Students who remained on campus will not be eligible for refunds or credits.
Students who did not remain on campus to live in university residence halls after March 16, 2020 will receive a pro-rated refund of their Spring 2020 housing agreement. Students who withdrew from the university before March 16, 2020, will not be issued a refund. Additionally, students whose full housing was paid from institutional scholarships, ASU Foundation scholarships, or Alcorn Athletics will not receive a refund.
Students enrolled in meal plans though Sodexo, our dining services partner, will have the remainder of their meal plans rolled over into Fall 2020 as a credit unless the student is graduating, in which case, the student will receive a pro-rated refund check or direct deposit on the unused portion of their plan, based on the last day of use. Flex dollar balances will be transferred to the Fall 2020 semester as well.
The Parking Office will provide pro-rated credits to all commuter students and students who did not remain on campus to live in university residence halls after March 16, 2020. Graduating seniors will receive a refund for parking.
Please note that all refunds will be applied to students’ accounts at the university and will first apply to any current outstanding charges or balances owed. Any unused balance will be distributed to students via direct deposit or refund check. All remaining payments due on payment plans for housing, meals, and parking will be prorated and late payments and financing charges will be waived through the end of the semester.
Students utilizing federal funds to pay for any portion of their housing and meals will receive a refund for any credit balance, per guidelines provided by the U.S. Department of Education. These plans may be subject to change should future Department of Education guidance require modifications.
We sincerely appreciate your patience as we work to facilitate these processes and hope this plan meets your expectations in our efforts to ensure we strike the appropriate balance between applicable state laws and fairness to our students. More information, including a Frequently Asked Questions portal, will be provided soon by various offices including the Office of Residence Life, Financial Aid and Finance and Administration.
I hope everyone is continuing to stay safe and enjoy a happy holiday weekend properly social distancing with family and loved ones.
Brave Forever!
Felecia M. Nave
President, Alcorn State University