Alcornites share reasons for giving and scholarship testimonials during annual All For One Faculty & Staff Campaign Kick-Off Brunch

Faithful faculty and staff members at Alcorn State University convened at an annual giving event to garner financial support for the university.

The All For One Faculty & Staff Campaign Kick-Off Brunch was held Wednesday, March 27 in the James L. Bolden Campus Union Ballroom. The employee-led campaign primarily focuses on providing university employees opportunities to demonstrate their support for the overall growth and advancement of the university through giving.

Since the Campaign's inception in 2016, many students have reaped the benefits of the donations given by others. Two recipients of ASU Foundation, Inc. scholarships shared their appreciation of the university for laying a solid foundation for them to afford a quality education.

"The scholarship has given me hope to keep my dreams alive by providing me the opportunity to pay for fees and acquire other necessities," said Brian Jackson, a junior music education major from Natchez, Mississippi. "It will ultimately assist me in reaching my goals. In the future, I hope to give back to the foundation because there may be a student who needs help just like I did. I will make it my duty to encourage others to give back to Alcorn."

"The scholarship has helped me tremendously," said Alicia Franklin, a freshman political science major from Dallas, Texas and third generation Alcornite. "This scholarship is a blessing. I've realized that there are people at this university that care about our education, and I appreciate them for supporting students like me."

Long-time employees at Alcorn shared reasons why they dedicate a portion of their funds to better the university. Dr. Voletta Williams, chair and professor in the Department of Biological Sciences, and Alfred Galtney, director for Research and Sponsored Programs, expressed why they give back.

"The legacy of past presidents who upheld positivity and growth, the graduation and retention rates of our students, and those in need of support are all reasons for me to aid in the opportunities for students," said Williams. "I am grateful to have attended and graduated from Alcorn, and I'm grateful to give back to the university."

"I am from this community, and I believe that you should give back to the community that you came from," said Galtney. "I give back to Alcorn because I want the university to grow. Alcorn prepared me to go beyond the borders of its walls. The university prepared me to survive in the world."

Interim President, Dr. Donzell Lee stayed consistent with the theme of the program and continued to encourage others to support the betterment of the university.

"I know that we have a lot of people who are willing to help support the university through the foundation, and I want to thank you for what you have done," said Lee. "There are so many needs here at the university, so I hope that you will continue your commitment in giving back."

The program concluded with a salute to the donors by the Alcorn Jazz Combo for their contributions to the university.